Karen Kerschmann, LCSW

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Clinical Supervision


Kerschmann & Associates

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and  Clinical Supervision

Kerschmann & Associates

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and  Clinical Supervision

Recommended Links

Clearinghouse of many projects in San Diego, including the ‘Flexible Volunteering’ Program www.volunteersandiego.org San Diego Humane Society www.sdhumane.org Voices for Children is a program designed to help adults advocate for foster children in San Diego County...

Self Help, quizzes and interesting articles

Here are some great resources for mental health related topics. www.PsychologyToday.com Anxiety: Do stress and anxiety interfere with your life? Do I Need Therapy?: Learn if a psychologist is right for you. Bipolar Depression Quiz: Are your emotional highs and lows...